Community News, Elections|

We would like to provide the community with an update regarding misinformation that is being shared. We have filed an appeal to the Federal Court of Appeals to overturn the decision to appoint a new Election Appeal Committee to re-hear the 2022 Election Appeal. We hope for an early hearing to take place; it is imperative that we continue to focus on governance of our Nation and supporting the community. Whether a new election is to be called is now before the courts and in the interim we ask for your patience. We have asked the court for an order to put a temporary stop to any new election process until the court can decide whether a new election is needed.

Chief and Council expect to have an update on this process by early next week.

We understand a notice was posted in the community on November 14, 2023, purporting to call a By- Election. This notice is not in compliance with our Custom Election Act. Regardless, if a new election is required, the notice does not follow our own governing laws that must be followed. The notice fails to adhere to our governing laws.

As a self-governing Nation, we pride ourselves on following our own rules and procedures. Regardless of the outcome, our commitment to the community is to always govern in accordance with our laws and to act in the best interests of Long Plain First Nation and its members.

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