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The Pertussis immunization campaign was initiated July 26, 2024, for the FNIHB named occurrence in Long Plain First Nation.

Local Long Plain Health Services campaign efforts, to date, have included:

  • door-to-door information on Pertussis
  • local radio station announcements and posters in common areas
  • Mass mail-outs for community members with due or overdue Pertussis containing vaccinations
  • Mass mail-outs for eligible target groups
  • Contact attempts via cold calls
  • Two mass immunization clinics were also held August 22 and 23, 2024 for ages 13 years and older for pertussis containing vaccines.

After a review of LP Health concerted efforts and due to current low immunization rates, our recommendation was that the Annual Pow Wow and other gatherings at this time be cancelled, in the on-going interest of public health safety.

We continue to encourage community members to contact Long Plain Health Center independently to review individual immunization statuses and eligibility for pertussis containing vaccines. Testing and vaccines are also available within other local health facilities.

Respectfully, Linda Myran,
Long Plain First Nation Health Director

Cc: Long Plain First Nation Chief and Council

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