Zagakibii’igewin (Tribal Administration)

Long Plain Tribal Administration includes all programs and entities which are primarily funded by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, First Nation Inuit Branch Canada and Service Canada and First Peoples Development Corporation. The Tribal Administrator manages the Tribal Government business and the Program Managers are responsible for Program and Project services.

The Tribal Administration Contact Information/Address:

Rosalind Merrick, Tribal Administrator

111 Yellowquill Trail East
Long Plain Reserve No.6
Band 287 – Treaty No. 1
Box 430 Portage La Prairie,
Manitoba, R1N 3B7
Main Office Phone: 1-204-252-2731
Main Office Fax: 1-204-252-2012
Toll Free Number: 1-888-268-6438

Community Economic Development Program

Indigenous & Northern Affairs Canada provides annual funding to administer the Community Economic Development Program on the Long Plain First Nation.

The program will:

  • deliver economic development services, such as community economic development planning, capacity development initiatives and proposal development.


Indigenous & Northern Affairs Canada contributed through its Professional & Institutional Development Program funds to enable and enhance the capacity of LPFN to prepare a comprehensive community plan (CCP), formulating a vision for the present and future, developed by and for the people.  The CCP will be a roadmap of clearly defined steps in shaping our community in the areas of culture and language, governance, land and resources, health, education, social issues, infrastructure, housing and economic development.

Manitoba Hydro and Long Plain First Nation signed 10-year agreements:

1.) Community Development Initiative and

2.) Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project.

Manitoba Hydro provides an annual payment towards community development projects that benefit a broad segment of its community, including, without limiting the types of projects that:

  • promote environmental sustainability;
  • promote resource rehabilitation or development;
  • promote cultural or social development;
  • provide training, employment or economic development in the community governed or administered by the Beneficiary; or
  • develop the community infrastructure.


Long Plain First Nation Geothermal is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the geothermal all water furnaces.

First Nation Market Housing Fund

This program will allow eligible LPFN members to access a home loan/mortgage to build or purchase their own home.  Assessment and approval by the Lenders will be based on the strength of the applicant (LPFN member) and once approved, the Lender will seek a guarantee from LPFN.


Steven E. Woods, Economic Development Officer
P: 204.857.7474

110-5010 Crescent Road West
Keeshkeemaquah, MB
R1N 4B1

Fire Department


Long Plain Fire Department would like to remind members of the community to protect themselves and community against fire in spring and summer months. You can reduce the risk of fire in your neighbourhood by reporting fire hazards such as abandoned bulk waste to fire department and talking about fire safety tips at home.

  • Backyard BBQ fire: Clean out the grease and other debris in the grill periodically. Be sure to look for rust or other signs of deterioration.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or garden hose nearby.
  • Never leave food cooking unattended on the stove in the kitchen.
  • Keep stove and oven clean because built-up grease and food particles are easily ignited. Keep combustibles (i.e. curtains, dish towels, plastic or wood utensils, newspapers, grocery bags) away from the stove, oven and all appliances.
  • Unplug kettles, frying pans and other appliances when not in use.
  • Smoking is not only bad for your health. It’s also a fire hazard. Fires started by cigarettes cause one out of every five fire fatalities, and careless smoking remains a leading cause of home fire deaths in Canada. In 2000, smoker’s material caused 3,929 fires with losses of $56.7 million. To prevent fire from smoking make a rule to smoke outside in open air and make sure cigarette butts are disposed properly.
  • Use of smoke alarms in house can prevent fire hazard.

Waukaigan (Housing) Department

Our mission is to provide the necessary shelter to the members of the community by providing quality homes with the resources available, develop long term goals to improve housing maintenance and services, and incorporating new housing building codes to improve the quality of our homes.

WAUKAIGAN (HOUSING) ADMINISTRATION A major portion of funding for the housing come from the Canada Mortage & Housing Corporation; however, we have other sources of funding like rental income, insurance income, and the First Nations contribution to build new homes, maintenance and renovations of existing housing.   In order to keep up with growing needs for housing, the First Nation has introduced a program called… LPFN MARKET HOUSING FUND

LPFN Market Housing Program development is underway.  This program will allow eligible LPFN members to access a home loan/mortgage to build or purchase their own home.  Assessment and approval by the Lenders will be based on the strength of the applicant (LPFN member) and once approved, the Lender will seek a guarantee from LPFN.

Gail Joe, Consultant for the First Nation Market Housing Fund has been assigned to work with LPFN to develop and implement this new housing program.  Her objective is to tailor make the program based on the needs/request of LPFN and to mitigate LPFN’s risk as guarantor of the home loans/mortgages.   Long Plain Chief and Council (Board of Directors) control all housing operations.

The Housing Department is located at 111 Yellowquill Trail East, 2nd floor of Administration Office.

  • Direct line for Housing is 204-252-3366
  • After hours emergencies; call or text 204-903-3366
  • Fax #: 204-252-2012

Hours are Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30 (closed for lunch hour)

Housing Staff:

  • Marcia Assiniboine, Housing Manager | Email:
  • Michelle Roulette, Tenant Relations Officer | Email:
  • Jeannie Prince, Casual Receptionist | Email:
  • Dustin Peters, Plumber
  • Keith Herda, Plumbers Helper
  • Serge Myron, Electrician
  • Keith Perswain, Electricians Helper
  • Jarrod Cameron, Electricians Helper
  • Dennis Peters, Maintenance
  • Donovan Daniels, Shipper/Receiver
  • Emerson Peters, CMHC- HIIY Student-Maintenance/Quonset helper


Housing Selection Committee members are as follows:

  • Jacqueline Daniels
  • Alana Peters
  • Celia Blacksmith (Longclaws)
  • Andrew Perswain Jr.
  • Randy Merrick


All housing applications must be renewed every 6 months to remain active and kept on file. Any housing matters must go thru the housing department before going to members for discussion. Currently, the committee members are involved with allocating units, interviewing, and reviewing all applications for a fair selection process – Housing Application: Long Plain Housing Application

All applicants are responsible to keep their application updated. Housing staff will not notify applicants of expired applications.

All work orders must be called in by the Head of Household, person(s) who are named on tenancy agreement due to privacy. Housing staff will not discuss issues with a family member, etc.

Human Resources

Long Plain Human Resources Department exists to facilitate impartial recruitment process including job advertisement, placement, job descriptions, workplace safety, fair compensation, benefits, and addressing any complaints. Should there be a situation where employee has a grievance against the employer, we try to resolve such disputes by arbitration process accordingly. Our department handles all Labour Board complaints, complaints that are lodged under the Federal Labour Code as well as complaints lodged with the Manitoba Labour Board.

We provide advice and support in the areas of labour relations, policy interpretation, health and safety compliance, interpretation and compliance with Labour Standards and the Canada Labour Code. We are a resource for managers, supervisors and employees who need assistance when dealing with difficult situations; we mediate disputes and can be called upon to attend disciplinary meetings. Apart from typical role that is expected of Human Resources Management Department, despite being a very small department in the community we have taken up additional role of promoting skills of employable youth to employers other than LPFN.


We are working in partnership with Employment and Training Department to develop skill profiles for members of the community. LPFN members are encouraged to visit our website and develop their skills profile stepwise.

Step1:  Register at the website and create your account as member of the Long Plain First Nation.

Step 2: Once you login, complete your personal profile by providing the information required. This information is used in your resume. If you have any question regarding how this information is used, please contact Employment and Training department.

Step 3: Create your online resume. Take your time, you don’t have to complete this step in one sitting, just do as much as you like save and come back next time you will like to work one. In case you have any question, contact Employment Office or call helpline at (204)430-9871.

Step 4: add all employment related documents to “My Documents”. Documents like

  • Transcripts of your High school Diploma, degrees and certificates can be helpful to evaluate your skill level.
  • Driver transcripts can be very helpful to look at as they indicate your driving skills.
  • Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check can also be very helpful.

Step 5: This is final step where you can enter intended job occupations. Against each job provide skills that you have acquired in that particular occupation.


There are number of services that are performed for employers. We help employers by providing them access on Skills Inventory database. Some of the actions that can be performed by employers are.

  • Post jobs
  • Browse resume database of Long Plain First nation job seekers.
  • Manage job application
  • Communicate with job seekers
  • Send alerts

For more information, contact Employment and Training Department front desk.

Akiin (Land) Governance Department

Long Plan First Nation became the 75th First Nation signatory to the Framework on First Nation Land Management. The First Nation ratified its Land Code and approved the Individual Agreement on August 13, 2017 by a ratification vote. Ratification polling stations were held on the main reserve, four off reserve locations and done through electronic voting. The First Nation is now self-governing in the lands area and can make laws to govern its lands. 

The Long Plain First Nation (LPFN) lands are known as Ga-Ke-Nush-Koo-De-Ag amongst the Ojibway Tribes of southern Manitoba. The word “Ga-Ke-Nush-Koo-De-Ag” means “long plain” in the Ojibway language and refers to the topography of the lands. Our Ojibway ancestors favoured this area for its long open plains, surrounding forested areas and proximity to the river. The plains were strategic for protection and hunting. This area was used for the summer gatherings and camping purposes. Our people adapted to the seasons and environment by building wood houses for winter and teepees for the summer, gathering foods in different times of the year.

This area was once used by large bison herds for grazing and resting areas, which was advantageous to our hunters. The bison and wildlife were very important for our people for food, clothing and tools. Other wildlife was hunted for food like the elk, deer, rabbits and small game birds. Long Plain (Section 14-10-8 wpm) before development (formatted by Shaun P. Peters – GIS Technician)

The aerial picture shows the plains before residential and infrastructure development. The “long plain” is within the reserve boundaries. The natural plain began in the north-central area where the present school is located and ends at the southern portion of the reserve near the Assiniboine River.

Today, the long plain area still exists, but new developments such roads, houses and some agriculture has slowly move in the area. The main road through the plain was known as the “Yellowquill Trail” used for a major transportation route by the First Nations and new settlers. This travel and trading route ran along the upper banks of the Assiniboine River that began in the Portage la Prairie area and continued to USA border.

First Nation Land Base
As of July 15, 2016, the First Nation owns 16,615.8 acres of land, 12,786.83 acres has Reserve Status or Crown Status. Of the First Nation lands, 3,827.83 acres is presently in the Addition-to-Reserve process of land conversion to reserve status. These figures include the urban reserve properties, Madison and Portage reserves. The land equals to 25.83 square miles: 19.97 square miles of reserve lands and 5.98 square miles of lands to be converted to reserve status.


Street Address:
Rufus Prince Building
5000 Cresent Road West
Portage la Prairie, MB
Phone: (204) 857-6442
Fax: (204) 857-6684

Public Works

Long Plain has approximately 57 kilometers = 35 miles of roads, not including lanes.  We provide snow clearing services on roads, lanes and haul sand, dirt, and gravel for community members, when requested.  When necessary we assist in making fire guards upon request from the fire department.

Long Plain has one grader, two front end loaders, two tandem trucks, two tractors, one backhoe, and one lane scraper/leveller.  We also own a John Deere tractor that has a garden tiller and mower to maintain the ditches of the main roads.  The public works garage provides parking for the school buses, water trucks and sewer truck during the winter months. For the most part funding for the department operations comes through Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. We also generate revinue by renting our equipment to other businesses.

Long Plain Public Works department is also responsible for on-reserve drinking water management, wastewater management and animals control in the community. This includes infrastructure for safe water sources, water treatment plant operations, maintenance of the water supply lines and hauling water to residents where water supply lines are not available yet.

Public Works Staff Listing July 2023

Contact Information

Tribal Registry

The Tribal Registry Office is located in the Tribal Administration Office. The Tribal Registry is responsible for the maintenance of the Tribal Members registry, population statistics, births, transfers, divorces, registered deaths, marriages and Bill C-31applications. New Secure Indian Status Cards be applied for at Room 200, 365 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

In 1985, the federal government changed the lndian Act by passing Bill C-31. These changes ended various forms of discrimination that had been ongoing since the 1860s. Many people over the decades had lost their Indian status because of unfair terms in the Indian Act. Since the passing of Bill C-31, the names of more than 100,000 people who lost their status as a result of these terms have been added to the Register.Before Bill C-31, there were several ways a person could lose his or her Indian status under the terms of the Indian Act then in place. These included:

  • Marriage to a non-Indian—if a registered Indian woman married a non-Indian, she automatically lost her Indian status. She was no longer considered to be an Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act; neither were any of her children if they were born after her marriage.
  • Enfranchisement—before April 17, 1985, a person could apply to give up their Indian status for various reasons including the right to vote in a federal election. Until 1960, the only way Indians could vote in federal elections was to give up their Indian status.
  • Foreign residence—an Indian who lived outside of Canada for more than five years lost his or her Indian status.

Bill C-31 allowed people in these situations to apply to have their status restored or to be registered for the first time and to have their names entered in the Indian Register. Bill C-31 also enabled people in the following categories to apply to be registered:

  • Persons removed from the Indian Register because of a protest based on non-Indian paternity.
  • Children of people whose status was restored may be eligible to register for the first time, if one parent is registered or entitled to be registered under Section 6(1) of the Indian Act. Children are also eligible to register for the first time if both of their parents are registered or entitled to be registered under Section 6 of the Indian Act.

Contact Information
111 Yellowquill Trail East
Long Plain Reserve No.6, Band 287 – Treaty No. 1
Box 430 Portage La Prairie,
Manitoba, R1N 3B7
Main Office Phone: 1-204-252-2731
Main Office Fax: 1-204-252-2012
Toll Free Number: 1-888-268-6438

Aushanding (Social Assistance)

The Aushanding (Social Services) Program issues social assistance, special needs and guardian social allowance. Hydro, rent and user fees are paid on behalf of S/A clients who are on-reserve band members. There is an open door policy and direct banking is offered to only those on disability and 55 and older.

Income assistance provides income support as a last resort to eligible adults and their dependents that are unable to meet their basic and special needs.Income assistance provides benefits to help clients with the costs of:

  • Food, clothing personal and household needs.
  • Basic dental, optical and prescription drugs.
  • Rent and hydro

As of February 1, 2016, I took over as Social Services Administrator. I have worked for the Band for 22 years in various areas. My educational background is a Bachelor of Science Degree, majoring in Psychology and Native Studies. I enjoy working with people and contributing to the betterment of the reserve. Renee Francis was hired as Social Services Assistant as of March 1, 2016. She possesses a Business Certificate from Yellowquill College. Renee is eager to learn all aspects of the social program and looks forward to serving the community.


Role of Administration:

  • Administer the program as required by the terms and conditions of its funding agreement and policies.
  • Provide assistance to all eligible persons residing on reserve.
  • Store client information and records in a safe and secure manner.
  • Maintain all records forms and documents required by the funding arrangement and make them available to INNAC for program reviews and financial audits.
  • Provide INNAC with statistical and other documentation as required by the funding agreement.
  • Meet other agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Other Responsibilities:

  • Provide applicants with the information and assistance they need to make a proper application.
  • Treat all personal information as private and confidential.
  • Deliver services without discrimination related to applicant’s race, gender, color, creed, marital status, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
  • Provide prompt, courteous, efficient and fair treatment.
  • Determine eligibility on the basis of objective evidence as required by program policy and procedures.
  • Provide applicants with all assistance and benefits for which they qualify under the policy and procedures established in this guide.
  • Inform applicants of their eligibility and benefit rates in writing if they so request.
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