Community News|

The LONG PLAIN FIRST NATION has continued its Local State of Emergency in response to the unprecedented weather event we are currently facing in the community.

Chief and Council has decided to extend the Emergency State until we know the full scope of the damage. In order to do so we need the community’s support.

There are several homes around the reserve that have taken on water damage in crawlspaces and basements. We are aware that a lot of homes in the community need repair, and we are working diligently to secure funding for more housing. However, we are only able to assess damages that were caused by the last 3 storms we experienced. This list will be used to compile Engineering reports which is a vital step to ensuring we’re able to cover the damages. Deadline to be added to this list is Sunday, May 8, 2022.

If you feel you meet the above criteria and need an assessment, please call:
LPFN Housing Department…………………………..(204) 252-3366

We have seen so many people out there working together to house loved ones that were in zones that were affected and many of our departments have collaborated to ensure that our Elders and those with medical needs were as comfortable as possible. We are forever grateful.

Please keep an eye on the weather as they are calling for more rain starting this weekend, albeit in smaller amounts than we have seen in the previous weeks. However, as we all know, Mother Nature is in charge and things could change so please remain vigilant and prepare as needed.

Official Updates will be posted through the website and on Rez Radio along with the Land’s Departments Facebook page.

Thank you for your continued understanding and patience during this Emergency. Stay safe everyone.

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